A banner of what appears to be a Yagate Kimi ni Naru anime adaptation was uploaded in the Dengeki website on Tuesday. The banner’s source came from here but as of 7:28 am GMT +8 Wednesday, the site link leads you to a 404 page.
This popular yuri manga series is created by Nio Nakatani and was ranked number 3 in a Japanese poll asking which manga series that you want to be animated next. The results were revealed during the AnimeJapan 2018 weekend.
Yagate Kimi ni Naru or Bloom Into You was first published in April 2015 in Japan and still ongoing. It is now being published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment. The manga will be celebrating its 3rd year anniversary this year.
Source: Moetron (link 1) and (link 2)
Important Note: The Lily Cat will provide more info in relation to this news the soonest and will provide a follow-up article once we have them.
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